Tuesday, November 4, 2008

first time

do u remember that when u spoke first word of your life!! i know, you cannot. but it was a momental happiness to your parents. they wanted you to speak more and they did not get annoyed even when you repeated the same word for many times. this momental happiness again came to your parent's life when u stood on your foot for the first time. it sounded like a great achievement of their life. i hope all of you remember the feeling of your first love. specially if it happened during your teen age. how can you forget your first salary.. you planned a lot about different ways of spending it for your peers and to secure your future.
i am just trying you to remember the feeling of first time.. whatever we do for the first time, we keep them with us for our own life... sometimes it gives a bitter experience, but we do remember even them. we try to think about various situations where we could have edited some portions of our life if the experience of first time was not good. but bilieve me, there cannot be any other feeling than the experience of 'first time'. so dare to do everything which has been offered to you within the ambit of possibility. go ahead.. feel it.. live it.. and it will become an unforgettable titilating feeling of your life..
this is only feeling which lives with our entire life.. so try doing innovative things.. take a new step in every walk of your life with a new enthusiasm and i promise you that you will be different from others and you will be having a collection of feelings which will help you to survive happily during the odd days of your life...

silence of mind

silence- an easy but a deceptive word. what seems to be silent is actually more noisy and hauling than what we think of. I see it as a relative term. But the relation is also an erraneous one. vivekanand says, 'silent mind is ready for everything'. I believe it. but how can we achieve this silence before the end of human existence (death). I have a desire to reach this ultimate stage of human satisfaction but i am lagging far from the posiibility. psychologists agree to the fact that human mind can think about one thing at a time but they have also failed to understand the permuted situation. i believe that the happiness lies in satisfaction, and satisfaction is there in silence. sometimes people appreciate my creativity but the same is against the fundamentals of silence. i wish i could solve this complicated, traumatised concept of 'silenece' to achieve the happiness of the mortal life.